Hi Cap Referral due March 29

Posted on 03/19/2024
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We are gearing up to evaluate students for the Highly Capable (Gifted) Program.  We evaluate students at all grade levels.

A child may be referred for evaluation by anyone, including parents, teachers, support staff, or others. Referrals may be made for any reason.  Common reasons include high test scores, unusual creativity, accelerated progress through the EL program, general "out-of-the-box" thinking, high achievement, and more.  Giftedness has many facets.  Students may qualify in one area or more broadly.  We have some students who qualify for Special Ed services in one area and qualify for the HiCap program in other areas.  Gifted students may finish work quickly, or they may, for a variety of reasons, take time and think deeply about their tasks.  Therefore, students do not need to be "speedy" to qualify for the gifted program.  Behavior (positive or negative) should not be a factor when referring a child.  Gifted students often have good grades, but not always.

You can refer a student online using the QR code or by clicking here.  Alternatively, you can obtain a paper form from the office at your child’s school. Referrals are accepted on an ongoing basis, but to be tested during the current testing window, referrals need to be completed by March 29th, 2024.  

If you have questions, please email [email protected] or call your child’s school.

Thank you.