Medication Policy
It is the policy of Royal School District No. 160 and Washington State Law (RCW 28A.210.20-270) not to administer medication to pupils at school (over-the-counter and prescription), except at the written request of both the parent and the physician.
When it is necessary for your child to take medication during the school day, these procedures are to be followed:
- The parent obtains an AUTHORIZATION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION FORM from the school or nurse.
- The parent will FAX or TAKE the form to the physician to complete and sign.
- The parent will SIGN the completed form and return it to the school office.
- Medication must be supplied to the school in a pharmacy bottle.
- The pharmacy bottle MUST have the students name, physician’s name, medication, does and time to be administered printed on the label
- At NO time will school staff accept medication brought to school in other containers such as baggies or envelopes.
- The parents MUST deliver the medication to the school office.
- ALL medication will be kept in a locked cupboard.
- Medication will be administered by a trained individual.
- ALL expired or unclaimed medication will be disposed of if not claimed.
- For safety reasons, we DO NOT send medication home with students.
- AUTHORIZATION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION FORM expires at the end of each school year.
Medication at School
Students should take medications before or after school when possible. If a student needs medication during school hours or at school events, a written request from a parent/guardian and a licensed healthcare practitioner (LHP) authorization are required. For medications lasting more than fifteen days, the LHP must provide updated instructions.
For full details, refer to School District Policies 3419 and 3420 regarding medication administration.
Messages to Students
Royal Intermediate School’s focus is on student learning and our school will focus on minimizing the impact of disruptions during class time. Messages will be delivered during the last five minutes of class time. Arrangements must be made with students before or after school.
Reporting Potential Safety Concerns
Safety is our top priority! One way to report a potential safety concern is to report it to SafeSchools. See reporting information below:
SafeSchools Alert is our District's tip reporting service. if you have information about a threat to our safety, do your part and report it! And remember, you can remain anonymous.
Easy ways to report:
- Visit the website
- email your tip to [email protected]
- call or text to report your tip to 509-776-0386
Report on:
- Bullying
- Intimidation
- Harassment
- Weapons
- Drugs
- Other
Search and Seizure
School authorities may seize any contraband substance or object, the possession of which is illegal, or any material or object, which violates school rules or poses a hazard to the safety and good order of the school.
A school principal, vice principal, or principal's designee may search a student, the student's possessions, and the student's locker, if the principal, vice principal, or principal's designee has reasonable grounds to suspect that the search will yield evidence of the student's violation of the law or school rules. A search is mandatory if there are reasonable grounds to suspect a student has illegally possessed a firearm in violation of RCW 9.41.280.
Selling Activities:
Students at Royal Intermediate School are prohibited from engaging in any selling activities on school premises without obtaining prior verbal permission from the school principal. This policy aims to ensure a focused learning environment and maintain order within the school community. Students found in violation of this policy may face appropriate disciplinary actions.
Secure Campus:
Royal Intermediate School is a closed campus, which means students are not permitted to leave the school grounds or enter any other Royal district schools—Red Rock Elementary (RRE), Royal Intermediate School (RIS), and Royal High School (RHS)—during the school day, from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM, unless they are attending a school function or athletic function. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and security of all students. Any student found violating this rule will be subject to disciplinary action.
Student Contact and Deliveries
Deliveries to Students
Deliveries to students such as flowers, food, balloons, candy, birthday gifts, etcetera, will be delivered the last 5 minutes of the day and/or a note will be delivered to the student communicating to the student that they can pick up the delivery at the end of the school day.
Student Conduct
Student Discipline Procedures
Students are expected to follow classroom procedures. Teachers will inform students and parents of behavioral expectations and classroom management steps. Parents can expect notification from teachers when concerns arise so problems can be addressed.
(Refer to Royal School District Policy #3200 for steps taken when discipline is referred to the office.)
The word “discipline” originates from the Latin word disciplina meaning “instruction” and derives from the root discere meaning “to learn.” The word discipulus means “disciple or pupil”.
‘Discipline’ means any action taken by the school district in response to behavioral violations. Discipline is not necessarily punitive, but can take positive and supportive forms. Data shows that a supportive response to a behavioral violation is more effective and increases equitable educational opportunities. The purposes of this policy and accompanying procedure include the following:
- Engaging with families and the community and striving to understand and be responsive to cultural context
- Supporting students in meeting behavioral expectations, including providing for early involvement of parents
- Administering discipline in ways that respond to the needs and strengths of students and keep students in the classroom to the maximum extent possible
- Providing educational services that students need during suspension and expulsion
- Facilitating collaboration between school personnel, students, and parents, and thereby supporting successful reentry into the classroom following a suspension or expulsion
- Ensuring fairness, equity, and due process in the administration of discipline
- Providing every student with the opportunity to achieve personal and academic success
- Providing a safe environment for all students and for district employees” (Policy 3241).
Classroom exclusions are defined as “the exclusion of a student from a classroom or instructional or activity area for behavioral violations…[but] does not include action that results in missed instruction for a brief period of time when a) a teacher attempts other forms of discipline to support the student in meeting behavioral expectations; and b) the student remains under the supervision of the teacher or other school personnel during such brief duration” (Procedure 3241).
If the removal from the classroom does NOT meet the above criteria, office personnel will inform parents or guardians of the classroom exclusion.
Due process: In the event of a behavioral violation, students and parents have the right to an informal conference for the purpose of resolving the matter. Students, parents, administrators, and staff members may all be included in the informal conference to be able to voice issues and concerns related to the violation as well as ask questions.
Behavioral Violations
A behavioral violation is defined as “a student’s behavior that violates the district’s discipline policies”.
The school is here to support students so we will provide a variety of possible responses to behavioral violations. Discipline actions include--but are not limited to--the following:
- Behavior monitoring
- Behavioral contract
- Mentoring
- SafeSchools for Students online training
- Referral to Behavior Interventionist
- Social skills’ instruction
- De-escalation
- Restorative practices
- Parent communication
- Lunch detention
- After/Before school detention
- In-school suspension
- Short-term suspension
- Long-term suspension
- Expulsion
- Emergency expulsion
- Police Notification
Students who are placed on any form of out-of-school suspension or expulsion are not permitted to participate in or attend school-sponsored activities, including all academic and sporting events. This includes being on any Royal School District property.
For further details about student discipline, please see School Board Policy and Procedure 3241.
Before school, during lunch, or after school detention may be assigned to students to make up assignments, for unacceptable behavior, and for tardies. Students are responsible for making arrangements with their parents and teachers/staff to complete the detention. Parents will be notified when their student has been assigned detention. Failure to complete detention is considered a failure to comply, and may result in additional detention time or a referral to the office.
The list of offenses below is not exhaustive. Any district policies, RCW, or WAC’s not listed, are still applicable
Academic Dishonesty
Cheating, stealing or sharing answers--verbally, nonverbally, in writing or photos on an object or electronically--plagiarizing, or any other form of academic dishonesty, including inappropriate use or misuse of the school’s computer network, will not be tolerated in the school. The teacher will confiscate all evidence, document the situation, and report it to an administrator. The student will be subject to grade loss and/or disciplinary action.
Assault/Fighting/Disorderly Conduct
Fighting is defined as the exchange of hits or other violent physical contact between or among students, including arrangement of fights. Assault is an intentional act that causes someone to reasonably fear immediate harm. It can involve physical contact, such as punching or striking someone with an object, or it can be a threat that causes someone to fear violence. The victim's response must be genuine and reasonable under the circumstances. Disorderly Conduct includes the use of abusive language which intentionally creates a risk of assault.
Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation and Discrimination
Students are expected to respect the individual rights of all persons while on campus and at school functions or activities. Everyone, including students, school personnel, parents, and community members are to be treated with respect. Any form of harassment (including sexual), intimidation, or bullying will not be tolerated. Bullying/Harassment is defined as intentional written, verbal, or physical bullying, intimidating, or harassing behavior that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
*See additional information about Sexual Harassment and Discrimination on pages 27-29
Extortion, Assault, and Causing Physical Injury
A student will not extort anything of value, threaten physical injury, attempt to cause physical injury, cause physical injury, or intentionally behave in a way that could reasonably be expected to cause injury to another.
Controlled Substances
Students may not possess, use, or be under the influence of controlled substances (including alcohol, marijuana, narcotics, tobacco, smokeless tobacco, unauthorized use of non-prescription and prescription drugs) while on school grounds or at any school-sponsored function or activity. The possession, use, sale, intent to sell, distribution, sharing or being under the influence of controlled substances on district property, district-provided transportation, areas of facilities being used exclusively as school district property, or at district-sponsored activities is prohibited. This includes any over-the-counter medication containing alcohol such as some cough or cold medications.
Disruptive Acts
Any action, behavior, or incitement of action or behavior which interferes with the duties of a staff member or the normal operation of the school; may include off-campus conduct if the conduct has the cause or effect of interfering with the normal operations of the school or district.
Dress Code
ALL students are expected to comply with guidelines outlined in the “Appropriate Dress” section of this handbook.
Gang Dress
Students found in violation of the dress code policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions as outlined in the Royal School Districts code of conduct and WA State law (R.C.W. 28A.600.455).
Gang Activity
Gang activity is defined as any gang violence, gesture, vandalism, intimidation, or disruption of learning related to gang activity in any manner will not be tolerated.
Any student wearing, carrying, or displaying gang-related apparel or devices; exhibiting behavior or gestures which symbolize gang membership; causing, participating in, and/or recruiting for gang-related activities; causing and/or participating in activities which intimidate or affect the attendance of another student; possessing, transmitting, or using gang-related images or pictures.
Students who gather for the intent of causing disruption to the normal function of the school day may be considered gang affiliated.
Students engaged in gang activity will face stringent discipline due to their affiliation with criminal enterprises.
Other Disciplinary Infractions
Verbal abuse, malicious mischief, profanity, computer misuse, unauthorized access, false statements, alteration of records, trespass, entering another’s locker or desk, willful disobedience, burning, disruptive devices, possession of inappropriate materials, accumulation of referrals, bus misconduct, theft, burglary, coercion, robbery, damaging school or personal property, arson, violation of school rules or policies not listed, are all subject to disciplinary action based on severity of the incident, previous disciplinary record, academic progress, and conduct of the student.
Communicating threats of violence or harm directly or indirectly, whether by physical, verbal, written, telephonic, or electronic means, which cause another person to believe his/her life, safety or property is in danger, or which cause a listener to believe that another person’s life, safety or property is in danger. Threats need not be communicated to the intended victim. Includes bomb threats, false alarms, threats of violence, etc.
Weapons, Dangerous Instruments, and Explosive Devices
It is the policy of the Royal School District that there be no tolerance for the possession or use of weapons, dangerous instruments, or explosive devices by students. Students may not possess or use firearms, dangerous instruments, or explosive devices on school property, on school provided transportation, in areas or facilities being used exclusively by a school, or at a school sponsored event or activities. Dangerous weapons include and are not limited to: firearms, nun-chu-ka-sticks, throwing star, air gun, air pistol, air rifle, stun gun, knife, or any item that is used or could be used as a weapon.
Possession or use of a firearm in violation of this policy shall result in a minimum of one (1) school term expulsion from the district. The superintendent or designee may modify the mandatory expulsion on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions to this policy may be made as only allowed by state law and authorized by the district. Any student who possesses any weapon, or explosive devices, other than a firearm, in violation of this policy may be expelled or be subject to other school discipline as provided in board policy and state law.
The district is authorized to expel any student who has violated the weapons policy. Any student who brings a firearm will be expelled for no less than one school term. The school must notify police and the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) of the incident. Police do not need a warrant to arrest any person on school property who illegally possesses or has possessed a firearm or dangerous weapon.
School-Wide PBIS
Guidelines for Success
Royal Intermediate School has chosen to adopt the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) framework to encourage positive behaviors at school and to help create effective learning environments. As a school-wide system, this framework is used with all students, across all environments of the school (classroom, lunchroom, hallways, and playgrounds).
The PBIS framework gives all teachers, staff, and students a clear set of expectations to follow throughout the school building. The general expectations of Royal Intermediate are:
*Be Safe
*Be Respectful
*Be Responsible
In each area of the school, specific behavioral expectations are defined related to these general expectations. Once the expectations have been determined, they are clearly taught and demonstrated to all students. Students are presented with each expectation, the rationale for the expectations is discussed, and students see examples of the right and the wrong way to demonstrate an expectation. After the expectations have been modeled, students have the opportunity to practice the right way and show their understanding.
Additionally, we have developed guidelines for success for students to follow. These guidelines for success encompass the characteristics we want all students at RIS to exhibit.
Kindness wins
Never give up
Grow with COURAGE
Once appropriate behaviors have been taught and practiced, they need to be acknowledged often. As part of this acknowledgement system, Royal Intermediate students will be divided into one of five houses – Bidii (diligence), Ansvar (responsibility), Sumus (respect), Coraggio (courage) and Integrita (integrity). These houses are each based on an important character trait and are run by staff members in the school. When any student is observed following expectations by a staff member, their house will be awarded a point. A running total of house points will be displayed on televisions throughout the school. At the end of each quarter the house with the most points will earn a reward field trip/event. Students will be taught how to earn points and what prizes/rewards they will receive if their house has the most points. Students will also earn positive Golden Shields for exhibiting any of the guidelines for success. These Golden Shields are carbon copied. One will be sent home and one will be entered into the bucket in the office and drawn out periodically for different rewards.
When students violate behavioral expectations, clear procedures are necessary for providing information to them that their behavior is unacceptable. Students, teachers, and administrators should be able to predict what will occur when behavioral errors are identified. A school-wide discipline matrix has been developed and is included in this packet. Yellow cards are used to document and record incidents managed by the teacher in the classroom. Once a student has received five yellow cards they earn a Red Card or office referral. Red cards are also used for major incidents.
The Student Behavior Flowchart is used to help teachers distinguish major from minor behavioral incidents.
Minor Incidents are classroom-managed. Opportunities for reminder and redirection will be used, as well as other forms of in class discipline procedures, will be used to modify behavior and help students be successful. Multiple Minor offenses may become a Major offense if the behavior is not corrected.
Student Behavior Flowchart
Minor (Yellow Card)
Major (Red Card)
Not working/unfinished work
Not participating in group work
Making faces/rolling eyes
Huffing, sighing, etc.
Arguing/defiance – inappropriate response to teacher request
Uncooperative behavior/lack of effort
Talking back
Leaving assigned area
Minor object stealing
Blatant or excessive non-compliance or defiance
Extreme profanity
Repetitive minor incidents that normal classroom consequences are not addressing
leaving campus/hiding from staff
(intentional) theft of major objects or pattern of minor stealing that is ongoing
Screaming/yelling excessively
Teacher cannot teach/students cannot learn
Out-of-control behavior in the extreme
Throwing objects with intent to cause harm
Excessive pattern of absence, tardy, or truancy
Dress Code
*see dress code
Inappropriate Language
Negative talk
Verbal argument/disagreement
Impolite talk
Talking back
Peer conflict (balance of power)
Mean comments that hurt feelings
Blatant or excessive swearing
Offensive/harassing language
Excessively vulgar language
Severe verbal threats against anyone
Gang harassment
Harassment (racial, sexual, religious, gender, ability)
Bullying (balance of power
Property Damage/
Defacing books, pencils, pens, crayons, classroom supplies, PE equipment
Minor vandalism (such as writing on desk or other’s property)
Stealing minor items
Excessive defacing of peer/teacher/school property
Vandalism (breakage, spray paint or permanent damage)
Use of combustibles (firecrackers, snaps, etc.)
Stealing major items from peers/adults
Pushing over furniture
Setting fires
Physical Contact
Loss of control out of anger
Hitting with intent to harm
Punching with intent to harm
Physical intimidation
Spitting/scratching/biting with intent to harm – anger related
Sexual misconduct
Physical aggression/assault
Repeated minor physical contact/aggression
Technology Violation
Texting at inappropriate times
Cell phone on during class/ringtone
Earbuds in at inappropriate times
Cell phone not in backpack/locker
Playing games on cell at recess
Off-task computer behavior
On a website without permission
Cell phone visible/out during school day
Refuses to give tech equipment to the staff member
Accessing “off limit” and inappropriate websites on school computer
Bullying/harassment type messages on school tech equipment
*Specify in brief note
Bomb threat
Alcohol/drug/tobacco possession
Possession of weapons
Repeated “minor offenses” in any category listed
Any gang-related activity
Discipline Matrix
Key Terms: In School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension(OSS),
But not limited to (BNLT), Short Term(ST), Long Term(LT)
Possible Consequences
Possible Consequences - Continuing
Multiple Minors
Unsafe Action
Dress Code
Inappropriate language
Property Damage/Misuse
Technology Violation
Parent Contact
Loss of recess
Lunch Detention
Parent Contact
Possible Behavior Plan
Gang Issues
May include BNLT:
Parent Contact
Lunch Detention
An act that is written, verbal, electronic, or physical that: physically, or emotionally harms another that is persistent and pervasive and is threatening or intimidating
Extort items/money
Teasing repeated over time/intensive
Putdowns repeated over time
Repeated Directing others to act against a student in a pattern
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