School-Wide PBIS - Guidelines for Success
Royal Intermediate School has chosen to adopt the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) framework to encourage positive behaviors at school and to help create effective learning environments. As a school-wide system, this framework is used with all students, across all environments of the school (classroom, lunchroom, hallways, and playgrounds).
The PBIS framework gives all teachers, staff, and students a clear set of expectations to follow throughout the school building. The general expectations of Royal Intermediate are:
*Be Safe
*Be Respectful
*Be Responsible
In each area of the school, specific behavioral expectations are defined related to these general expectations. Once the expectations have been determined, they are clearly taught and demonstrated to all students. Students are presented with each expectation, the rationale for the expectations is discussed, and students see examples of the right and the wrong way to demonstrate an expectation. After the expectations have been modeled, students have the opportunity to practice the right way and show their understanding.
Additionally, we have developed guidelines for success for students to follow. These guidelines for success encompass the characteristics we want all students at RIS to exhibit.
Kindness wins
Never give up
Grow with COURAGE
Once appropriate behaviors have been taught and practiced, they need to be acknowledged often. As part of this acknowledgement system, Royal Intermediate students will be divided into one of five houses – Bidii (diligence), Ansvar (responsibility), Sumus (respect), Coraggio (courage) and Integrita (integrity). These houses are each based on an important character trait and are run by staff members in the school. When any student is observed following expectations by a staff member, their house will be awarded a point. A running total of house points will be displayed on televisions throughout the school. At the end of each quarter the house with the most points will earn a reward field trip/event. Students will be taught how to earn points and what prizes/rewards they will receive if their house has the most points. Students will also earn positive Golden Shields for exhibiting any of the guidelines for success. These Golden Shields are carbon copied. One will be sent home and one will be entered into the bucket in the office and drawn out periodically for different rewards.
When students violate behavioral expectations, clear procedures are necessary for providing information to them that their behavior is unacceptable. Students, teachers, and administrators should be able to predict what will occur when behavioral errors are identified. A school-wide discipline matrix has been developed and is included in this packet. Yellow cards are used to document and record incidents managed by the teacher in the classroom. Once a student has received five yellow cards they earn a Red Card or office referral. Red cards are also used for major incidents.
The Student Behavior Flowchart is used to help teachers distinguish major from minor behavioral incidents.
Minor Incidents are Classroom Managed. Opportunities for reminder and redirection will be used, as well as other forms of in class discipline procedures, will be used to modify behavior and help students be successful. Multiple Minor offenses may become a Major offense if the behavior is not corrected.
Student Behavior Flowchart
- Not working/unfinished work
- Not participating in group work
- Making faces/rolling eyes
- Huffing, sighing, etc.
- Arguing/defiance – inappropriate response to teacher request
- Uncooperative behavior/lack of effort
- Talking back
- Cheating/lying
- Leaving assigned area
- Minor object stealing
- Blatant or excessive non-compliance or defiance
- Extreme profanity
- Repetitive minor incidences that normal classroom consequences are not addressing
- leaving campus/hiding from staff
- forgery
- (intentional) theft of major objects or pattern of minor stealing that is ongoing
- Making noises
- Constant talking
- Yelling out or blurting disruption during instruction
- Crying
- Throwing objects
- Out of seat
- Not listening
- Not following directions
- Tardy to class or leaving early
- Screaming/yelling excessively
- Teacher cannot teach/students cannot learn
- Out of control behavior in the extreme
- Throwing objects with intent to cause harm
- Excessive pattern of absence, tardy, or truancy
Dress Code
- Spaghetti straps
- Short skirts or shorts
- Low-cut top
- Hats
- Exposed midriff
- Holes in jeans/shirts
- Overly suggestive or violent clothing
*see dress code
- Gang related apparel
- Ongoing pattern of dress code violations
Inappropriate Language
- Negative talk
- Name calling
- Teasing
- Swearing
- Verbal argument/disagreement
- Impolite talk
- Talking back
- Dishonesty/lying
- Peer conflict (balance of power)
- Mean comments that hurt feelings
- Blatant or excessive swearing
- Offensive/harassing language
- Excessively vulgar language
- Severe verbal threats against anyone
- Gang harassment
- Harassment (racial, sexual, religious, gender, ability)
- Intimidation
- Bullying (balance of power
Property Damage/Misuse
- Defacing books, pencils, pens, crayons, classroom supplies, PE equipment
- Minor vandalism (such as writing on desk or other’s property)
- Stealing minor items
- Excessive defacing of peer/teacher/school property
- Vandalism (breakage, spray paint or permanent damage)
- Use of combustibles (fire crackers, snaps, etc.)
- Stealing major items from peers/adults
- Pushing over furniture
- Setting fires
- Graffiti
Physical Contact
- Bumping into another person
- Play hitting/horseplay
- Touching someone else
- Pushing/shoving
- Poking
- Tripping
- Reckless physical behavior such as: play hitting/horseplay/flicking/pinching/teaching-messing around intent
- Fighting
- Loss of control out of anger
- Hitting with intent to harm
- Punching with intent to harm
- Physical intimidation
- Spitting/scratching/biting with intent to harm – anger related
- Sexual misconduct
- Physical aggression/assault
- Repeated minor physical contact/aggression
Technology Violation
- Texting at inappropriate times
- Cell phone on during class/ringtone
- Earbuds in at inappropriate times
- Cell phone not in backpack/locker
- Playing games on cell at recess
- Off-task computer behavior
- On a website without permission
- Cell phone out during school day
- Refuses to give tech equipment to the staff member
- Accessing “off limit” and inappropriate websites on school computer
- Bullying/harassment type messages on school tech equipment
Discipline Matrix
Key Terms: In School Suspension (ISS), Out of School Suspension(OSS),
But not limited to (BNLT), Short Term(ST), Long Term(LT)
Multiple Minors
Unsafe Action
Dress Code
Inappropriate language
Property Damage/Misuse
Technology Violation
Parent Contact
Loss of recess
Lunch Detention
Parent Contact
Possible Behavior Plan
Gang Issues
May include BNLT:
Parent Contact
Lunch Detention
An act that is written, verbal, electronic, or physical that: physically, or emotionally harms another that is persistent and pervasive and is threatening or intimidating
Extort items/money
Teasing repeated over time/intensive
Putdowns repeated over time
Repeated Directing others to act against a student in a pattern
Physical Contact
Harmful physical contact Includes BNLT:
Hair Pulling
Parent Contact
Lunch Detention
Hurting Another
May Include BNLT:
Rough Play
Unsafe Behavior/Play
Parent Contact
Loss of Privilege
Property Damage/Misuse/Theft |
Parent Contact
Loss of recess
Possible Restitution
Parent Meeting
Suspension (ISS, OSS)
Possible Behavior Plan
Possible Restitution
Defiance/Disrespect |
Possible ISS/OSS
Possible behavior plan
Possession of Legal Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco |
Police Notification
Possession of Controlled Substances |
Police Notification
Possession/Use of Weapons and or Dangerous Objects |
Possible Expulsion
Police Notification
Possible Expulsion
Police Notification
Dress Code |
Student/Parent Conf.
Review/Sign DC Policy
Lewd Conduct
Obscene or indecent behavior or gestures
Parent Contact
Loss of recess
Suspension (ISS)
Referral to Counselor
Parent Contact
Other: Board Policy/WAC
Disclaimer: This Matrix represents basic general guidelines.
Plans may be altered based on the needs of students and staff.